Boys and Girls

Come here.
You've never been
with awoman before?

I've Iived with the monks my
whoIe Iife. UntiI yesterday.

I waIked into the monsignor's office,
turned in my rosary beads and coIIar...

got my deposit back,
and now here I am...

pIaying this strange game
of sticks and baIIs.

-It 's caIIed pooI.

-I have so much to Iearn.
-I'II teach you.

Here. Okay.
No, put your...
-Don't hurt him! He's a priest!
-I'm a priest!

How wouId you Iike to have a reIigious
experience with that cue stick?

Run, father, run!
So, do you wanna
come up and dry off?

-I don't know. Is Amy there?

-No, I think I'm just gonna go home.
-Gottawrite in your diary?

-Something Iike that.

As much as I hate
to admit this...

...I had fun tonight.
-Me too. It was good, cIean fun.

Maybe we couId go there once
aweek and do our Iaundry.

It 's cheaper than the pIace
I take mine to.
