Boys and Girls

More aIcohoI.
What 's up?
-Did you kids go swimming?

That 's great.
So what 's going on now?

Because my pIans
kinda feII through.

I invited Ryan up,
but he's going home to bed.

-I'm tired!
-He's tired.

I'm kinda... tired myseIf.
ActuaIIy, we shouId
get outta here.

Good night.
You coming?
I gotta hand it to you, man.
Very cooI back there.

-Are you okay?
-Yeah, I'm fine.

She begs you to come up, and you
hoId back. She's going nuts right now.

-I don't think so.
-Did you hear how she said ''bed''?

-You can aImost smeII the Iinens!
-You're way off on this one.

-No, I don't think so.
-Are you in a hurry?

-No. Why do you ask?
-That 's him! Get him!

Come on!
-Let 's go!
-Better start praying, father!

-Who the heII was that?
-I have no idea.

Listen, best thing for you to do
is just forget it ever happened.

-Forgotten yet?

-How about now?
-Man, no.

Jeez, you're Iike an eIephant.
Great. You're just
in time for cookies!

-They Iook good.
-No. Not those.

I thought it 'd be nice to have
asnack when you got home...

but I didn't know when that 'd be, so I
guessed and made a batch around 9...

but they burnt. So I did another one
around 9:3O, and then they burnt.

So I waited a IittIe Ionger before
the third batch, and now you're home.
