Wanna hear something even more
stupid? I'm going on a date tonight.
-Do you think I'm nuts?
-No, I think it 's great.
-You shouId bet back in the saddIe.
No, I'm the kinda cowboy
that doesn't Iike to ride.
-See? That one's not funny.
-Yeah, I know.
How are we doing?
Hey, it 's beautifuI out, huh?
No, I'm not good at that kinda thing.
You shouId caII Hunter.
After investment banking, I decided
to do something for myseIf.
I seII for ten years. I reached
a point in my Iife, I said...
''I don't wanna do
aII the work''.
Jen! Thank God
you're here, sis!
BiIIy, what 's wrong?
Kurt, this is BiIIy, my brother.
-BiIIy, this is Kurt.
-Nice to meet you, BiIIy.
-I was teIIing her about my boat.
-There's no time for boats!
-Why? What happened?
-It 's mother. She's sick!
My God.
What happened?
-I just toId you. She's sick!
-Sick how?
Sick how?
You know!
Sick Iike the Iast time!
No, I wasn't there Iast time.
ExpIain it to me.
There's no time for questions!
Mother is sick. We have to go!
-Are you insane?
-You were great!