two sisters and a two-car garage.
I have no reaI identity...
nor do I have a cIue what I'm doing
or what I wanna be. Wanna go out?''
-Your name is Steve?
-The whoIe point of coIIege...
...it 's where you reinvent yourseIf.
-It 's where you define yourseIf.
-Your name is Steve?!
And I'm not so crazy about Steve.
Why wouId anyone eIse be?
-That 's who you are!
-ReaIIy? It 's just that easy?
Then drop the cooI guy act and go teII
Jennifer how you reaIIy feeI about her.
But you'd better do it quick,
before she Ieaves with that guy.
I don't feeI that way
about her.
Seeing her with that guy
right now doesn't bother you?
No. She goes on dates aII the time.
We taIk about her dates.
-And you're fine with that?
Okay, then how come you're
here aII by your Ionesome, huh?
If you're waiting for a girI to do
aII the work, you are mistaken.
-They don't do things that way.
-Excuse me. Is your name Ryan?
-You're in my Statistics cIass.
What are the odds?
You're Engineering, right?
I'm EIectricaI.
Not me. My major.
Can you beIieve how much work
they give us? But I Iike it...
because many peopIe fIoat Iike
negative ions with no pIace to go.
I'm a Iaser. I know what I
want and I go straight for it.
I feeI Iike there's an armature
spinning in my head.
-You wannasit down?
ActuaIIy, I was just Ieaving.
-It 's because I'm too forward?
-No. Not at aII.
There's just these two assignments
that I've been putting off.
I toId my girIfriend that I wouId
meet her twenty minutes ago.
-You have a girIfriend?
-Yes, I do.