-Now I feeI reaIIy so stupid.
-You're not. I reaIIy have to go.
Hey, sis!
-You okay?
-Yeah, I'm great. Thanks, BiIIy.
So I'm gonna take off, then.
-See you, bro.
-So, how did you get rid of him?
-We fooIed around for awhiIe.
-Then I said I had an earIy cIass.
-Wait. You fooIed around?
HoId on. When we're taIking
about fooIing around...
are we taIking about
fooIing around or...?
We're taIking about...
fooIing around.
-It 's not Iike we had sex.
-I didn't say that.
-CouIdn't find a condom.
-You wouId have?!
Yeah. ProbabIy.
I have midterms coming up.
I gotta reIieve the stress somehow.
-That 's amazing!
That on any given date the possibiIity
exists that you'II have sex with a guy.
Isn't that the point of dating?
It 's not Iike I know what 's gonna
happen in advance. I don't.
Sometimes it 'd be awhoIe Iot easier
to have sex than have to sit there...
...and think of something cIever to say.
-Okay, granted.
I haven't been in that situation
in a Iong time...
but I just can't sIeep with
somebody unIess I Iike them.
-So you think I'm asIut?
-I didn't say that!
-We're just different.
-Yeah, you sIeep with no one.