Boys and Girls

Do you know any other singIe
2O-year-oId coIIege guys...

who never sIeep with anyone?
Who don't even try?

-Maybe you're trying too hard.
-Ryan, you don't try at aII.

I just think that it might be
making things weird between us.

What are you taIking about?
Are we friends?
I mean, am I your friend...

or have I just become
your girIfriend substitute?

-Are you serious?

It 's Iike, with me in your Iife,
you never have to try.

It 's the beauty of our reIationship.
You'II just never get hurt again...

as Iong as you pretend
I'm your girIfriend.

Maybe we shouIdn't
hang out anymore.

I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean that.

-Yeah, you did.

I Iove hanging out with you. You're
my favorite person in the worId.

-I don't wanna change anything.
-Maybe you're right.

No, I'm wrong! You're just waiting
for the right girI to come aIong...

and you don't take sex IightIy.
I think that that 's a great quaIity.

No, I think I am hiding
behind you or us.

-There was this girI at the party...
-A girI girI? You didn't teII me.

-I just bIew her off!

I don't know.
-I shouId have given her a chance.
-Yeah. You shouId have.

WeII, you stiII can.
And why not, right?

Yeah. Why not?
-So, is she cute?
-Yeah, I guess.
