Boys and Girls

Just Iike you did this year.

Maybe with me gone, you'II get off
your fat ass and have some fun.

I don't wanna do nothing without
you. And I don't wanna have fun.

-And I have a great ass.
-You do. No, you have a great ass.

-What are you doing?
-I'm kissing you.

God. I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry.

I don't know why I did that.
I just reaIIy wanted to kiss you.

-My God! I'm such an idiot!
-Amy? Amy, it 's...

Hey, buddy, watch this.
It 's Iike a bridge.
It is a bridge.
Yeah, you're absoIuteIy right.
-Is Katie coming?
-She's gonna meet us at the bar.

ReaIIy? This is great.
This is great!

-She'II experience the new me.
-This ought to be good.

No, I'm serious. No more Iies.
It 's Iike you said, buddy.

I don't need to pretend
for someone eIse to Iike me.

-That 's good!
-What you see is what you get.

Hunter unpIugged.
Don't you mean
Steve unpIugged?

-So Megan seems nice?
-Yeah, she is.

That PauI guy... didn't you go out
with him a coupIe times before?

-Yeah. It 's working out.
-Good for you.

Jen, Megan here has never been
to the automotive museum.

Imagine that.
