Buzz Lightyear of Star Command: The Adventure Begins

- Going somewhere, Princess?
- Wha... Oh, Buzz!

Well, hi.
How are ya? Uh...

I was, uh, you know, just taking
a little stroll, and I thought, uh...

Ranger Mira Nova, you were about
to hijack the Alpha One, weren't you?

Why, I d... Yes, sir.
Princess, report yourself
to Commander Nebula at once.

I'm sorry.
I just wanted to help, you know?

And I thought this would be
the best way...

Hey, wait a minute.
What are you doing down here?

Well, l-I am on a routine in-inspection
of the canooter valves.

And, uh, yep, yep,
everything looks good up here.

You were about to hijack the Alpha One.
Oh, of all the nerve!

Report yourself
to Commander Nebula.

Mira, now is neither
the time nor the place.

Buzz, I just have
one thing to say to you.

- And what might that be?
- Good night.

Tangean brain squeeze. Oh!
Who authorized that launch?
It wasn't us, was it?
I know who.
It's the princess, Commander.

She stole the Alpha One
to take on Zurg by herself.

She beat ya to it, huh?
Yeah, yeah, pretty much.
Well, Ranger Nova is your partner.
Better go get her, son.

Yes, sir.
For the record,
she is not my partner, sir.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Look out
for the asteroids, X.R.

Yeah, whoosh, zoom.
Whatever, Booster.

Sorry. Ranger Lightyear.
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
Listen. Somebody's comin'.
Oh, no! We shouldn't be here.
I'm gonna get fired...

prosecuted, convicted!
Ya gotta hide me!
