There are seven eggs here.
They are still warm.
We don't need to cook them.
Water the flowerbeds and
give some grass to the rabbits.
-And give Ferda some lime.
-Who is Ferda?
That's our walnut tree. Look
how generous he was this year.
You can hug him and make a wish.
He'll help it to come true.
I got it. Standard...
Some man is looking for you,
Mrs. Jouzková .
Hello. Are you the healer?
What do you want?
I have a problem.
My neck is stiff.
It's from talking
on the phone too much.
-Be careful. It hurts.
-Do you have a watch?
I do. It's ten after three.
On time. Come inside,
you'll pay with your watch.
No problem.
Will you go on a trip with us?
I don't know
if my dad will let me go.
I got an F at school today.
-It's a good grade.
-You think so?
It's the nicest of all.
It's fun forever.
I can't make it work. I got it.
Standard X F X, click, okay...
Now mine is bigger than Jarda's.