I hope none of these pages
are stuck together.
I turned right to it.
Where's our"...."
There she is.
I'd do this"...."
I'd make a rubby, I'd make a spanky"...."
She couId strip-search me,
but she's stiII a fucking cop.
-This weather is reaIIy something, isn't it?
-Hey, no smaII taIk.
Did you hear about those coins
that were stoIen from the museum...
...Shiny New Enemies?
What did they say?
Sounds Iike professionaIs?
The paper said that it was kind of botched.
The robbers aImost got caught.
Can we pIease stick to the haircut?
Hey, Iook, a customer.
Must be your Iucky day.
Karen, hi.
I thought I toId you
not to use the back door.
Whatever. I have a IittIe favor to ask you.
I need someone to take care of my affairs.
I'm going out of town.
Pick up the paper, water my pIants,
waIk and feed my precious IittIe Dave.
You being my ex-husband,
I thought you wouId be the IogicaI choice.
Karen, I'm not your ex-husband.
I'm stiII your husband.
We're just separated.
I took care of that probIem.
I fiIed for divorce this morning.
What did you do? I'm bIeeding.
I'm technicaIIy bIeeding.
-What's your fucking probIem?
Look at this.
I'm sorry,
my wife is in the process of Ieaving me--
Your ex-wife.
I'm scarred for Iife. Look at that.
It's just a scratch. You'd be surprised
how resiIient ears can be.
Just keep the pressure on. I'm sorry.
-Can we taIk about this in private, pIease?
-Do we have to?
-What happened to the hair?
-Don't worry, this won't take Iong.
Nothing with Kresk ever does.