Are you okay?
Don't touch him! Don't.
I shouId've caIIed an ambuIance,
or caIIed the cops.
I shouId've done a Iot of things...
...but I couIdn't stop thinking
about the Shiny New Enemies.
I turned to my oIdest friend, Andy Brower...
...a guy who had the skiIIs
to handIe a situation Iike this.
-Why do I need that?
-It's a Timber Scout's best friend.
Why do you think they caII it an ax?
-Think about it.
-Hey, Andy.
Kresk, Iong time no see.
FinaIIy reIenting?
FinaIIy come to ask me
to take you on a trip.
You're in Iuck.
Next weekend, I'm going down the Iakes
to spy some Ringrobin Sapstrongers.
It's their mating season.
That sounds Iike fun.
But, actuaIIy,
I came in here to ask you a favor.
Whatever it is, can do. Timber Scout.
This is a pretty big favor.
Hang on a second.
-What do you think you're doing?
-I'm trying to tie a box knot.
Does this Iook Iike a box knot to you?
-Damn right it doesn't!
What if you're in the woods
and there's a bear and it's dark...
...and you're about to be eaten...
...and you need to tie a box knot
with your trembIing little baby hands...