...a position that was rightfuIIy mine...
...with the donation
of a decidedIy questionabIe Gainsborough.
-I haven't understood a word you've said.
-I hate him.
He cheats...
...and he chews with his mouth open.
This robbery wiII absoIuteIy ruin him.
But how are we going to fence these...
...ancient Chinese coins?
-Get rid of. SeII.
Yes, fence.
There are severaI disreputabIe coIIectors
in France...
...that wouId pay a pretty penny
for these coins.
The coins shouId be here any minute now.
When the van gets here,
I'II handIe everything.
-No, I must be invoIved to the utmost.
-Fine, fine.
You asked for it.
Don't bIame me if things get rough.
We agreed upon no rough stuff.
A: Take your hand off me,
before I rip it off.
B: If it gets rough...
...it gets rough.
You brought a sandwich to a heist?
Pastrami on rye. It's my favorite.
Care for a bite?
-Caraway seeds.
-It's good, isn't it?