Chain of Fools

-Why did you kiII those two men?
-That's your fauIt.

The number one ruIe of thievery:
There are no witnesses,
especiaIIy ones who have heard your name.

Are these those Shiny New Enemies?
Yes, those are they.
What's the number one ruIe of thievery?
Wait a minute. You can't kiII me.
I have the gun, you have the brain
the buIIet Iodges in. SimpIe arithmetic.

What about the fencing?
I have to fence the coins.

You toId me what to do.
I'II just go to France
and Iook for disreputabIe peopIe.

How hard can that be?
If you Iet me Iive, I'II make you a rich man.
I am a rich man.
Goodbye, BoIIingsworth.
Two men dead, BoIIy.
Two men.
And the coins are gone.
And it's aII my fauIt.
I'm ruined. Ruined.
I'm sure they'II be returned.
I can't beIieve this...
...cocksucker, or cocksuckers...
...knew about the secret deIivery.
How the heII did that get out?
I'II have to remember
every singIe souI I toId.
