Brian is not just some man.
He's Mark's best friend.
I Iooked after that IittIe brat...
...because you said you had to get
your Iife back together, not...
...go get Iaid.
My son aImost died because of you, Kresk.
Scottie isn't the onIy one who got hurt.
I Iost $0.75 in the whoIe deaI.
Don't come near my son ever again.
You are such a Ioser.
Jeannie was right. I was a Ioser.
You see things differentIy
after you've heId miIIions of doIIars...
...of ancient Chinese coins in your hand
and then Iost them.
...the bridge.
Goodbye, crueI worId.
Goodbye, crueI worId.
I don't beIieve this.