That's the new kid.
He's got baIIs Iike pomegranates.
I never expected to see a kiIIer
with a business card.
-Don't caII him a kiIIer.
They don't Iike that.
You're a barber,
you don't barb peopIe, do you?
Take it easy, PauIie.
You're Iooking for me.
How oId are you?
-About that.
Seventeen. Have a seat.
You're seventeen and you're a hired kiIIer?
First off,
we don't want to be caIIed '"'"hired kiIIers.'"'"
That's what the cops caII us.
We're hitmen.
SecondIy, I didn't come here
to taIk about my age.
I'm sorry.
How much experience couId you have?
WeII, I don't Iike to brag, but...
...do you remember Senator Dove?
You kiIIed Senator Dove?
I voted for him. He was a nice guy.