- You're the only one here?
- First on the scene.
The forensics and Homicide
are on their way.
That 's the victim's car.
It 's covered in blood.
Over here, I found the boy
faced down in the water...
with about a million stab wounds.
And the girl...
nailed to a tree.
A lot of blood pumped out of
her wounds, which means...
Which means all this was done
while she was still alive.
I'm trying to pump out a special
edition of the paper before lunch.
It you tell me all that you know,
I'll be your best friend...
and you can be co-editor of the
paper, what do you think?
Don't be silent like that. Talk to
your daddy and snoop dog for me.
I don't have a clue
what you're talking about.
You haven't heard about
Rod e Stacy?
Are you taking fun notes for
your pathetic gossip column?
- Did they break up?
- Break up? Wake up, they're dead!
They shuffled up the mortal coil,
they went to see their maker.
How can you be so
critically uninformed?
Look, the whole school is
buzzing with that music.
Look! Maybe there's something for
my pathetic gossip column after all.