Cherry Falls

Like I'm not paying attention.
Mr. Sisler, sheriff Marken is here.
Shall I bring him in?

Thank you, Diana.
- It 's been a while, Brent.
- Tom!

I don't need to tell you what
an uproar the school is in.

I canceled all the
regular classes...

and asked the teachers to
counsel and console the kids.

I know there are professionals
for this sort of situation...

...but I thought it 'd be best...
- I'll have to stop by some classes.

Ask a few questions.
I would like to start with the ones
those two kids attended.

Naturally, you're
all horrified...

by the sudden senseless loss
of your classmates.

Perhaps some of you feel guilty
that you weren't nicer to them...

or maybe you're...
haunted by something unpleasant
you might have said to one of them.

Once, in the 8th grade,
I had a fight with Rod...

I told him to fuck off and die!
Come on, guys.
It 's alright, Heather.
Maybe we'll all feel better if we
talk about them and how we feel.

Mark, you were friends with Rod.
Do you want to say something?

Oh, man...
I don't know, I'm just...
Thank you.
How about you, Sandy?
I guess at times like this...
