Who is it?
- It 's Loralee Sherman.
- Excuse me?
Loralee Sherman.
Is your mom home?
She didn't tell you
I was coming by?
I must have just missed her.
Can I leave a note?
Just one second.
Could you slip it through
the door, please?
I think I'm ready for the run.
What 's the hurry for?
Slow down.
- Who left the door open?
- I don't know.
Grab there, grab underneath.
Get a good grip.
Step through, let their weight and
their momentum take them over.
The most important thing
is this grip. Like a pitbull.
Is there any way you could give me
a ray gun, stun gun, anything?
It 's against the law.
Here I come.
Take 5, champ.