Over here.
We need some
more things.
Right you are, miss.
- How about this quality
handcrafted tea set ?
- Uh, no.
- Or this lovely necklace and pendant ?
- It's love--
Or this beautiful little number,
all the rage in the fashionable
chicken coops of Paris.
Simply pop it on like so,
and as the French hens say,
"Voila !"
That's French.
That's two hats in one, miss.
For parties, for weddings.
Oh, but madame, this makes you
look like a vision, like a dream.
- Like a duck.
- No, thank you.
We're making this. We need these things.
Can you get them ?
Oh, oh, oh,
this is a big job, miss.
Oh, bigger than the others.
No, no. This is gonna cost.
Same as always.
One bag of seed.
- You call this pay ?
- It's chicken feed.
- What else could we give you ?
- Eggs.
- Eggs ?
- Eggs.
- We can't give you our eggs.
They're too valuable.
- And so are we.
After you, Fetcher.
After I what ?
- Move !
- Ooh !
Twenty-two and nine.
Fourteen shillings
and three pence.
Seven and sixpence times three.
Two and nine.
Four pence half penny.
D-oh ! Stupid,
worthless creatures !
I'm sick and tired of
making minuscule profits.
Hmm !
Oh, yes.