Now you listen here, sister.
I'm not going back to that life.
I'm a Lone Free Ranger.
Emphasis on free !
And that's what we want.
Freedom !
- Fancy that.
They're coming this way.
Oh, oh, no. No. Oh, no.
They're on to me.
Teach us to fly
and we'll hide you.
- And if I don't ?
Was your father
by any chance a vulture ?
Do we have a deal ?
Time to make good
on that deal, doll--
The name is Ginger.
- Comfortable ?
- Not really.
- Maybe this will help.
- Nice hide out.
Ouch. I had
more room in my egg.
We've held up our end of the deal.
Tomorrow you hold up yours.
- What deal ?
- The flying !
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Right, right, right. Don't worry.
I'll teach you
everything I know.
Now, which bunk is mine ?
Absolutely outrageous !
Asking a senior officer
to share his quarters...
and with a noncommissioned
Yank, no less.
- Why, back in my day, I'd never--
- Hey !
You weren't exactly
my first choice either.
And scoot over.
Your wing's on my side of the bunk.
Your side of the bunk ?
The whole bunk is my side of the bunk!
Just-- What's that smell ?
Is that your breath ?
It's absolutely