But I saw him.
He flew in over that fence.
Aye, aye, I believe you,
but if we could
just see it for ourselves,
that may answer some questions.
You're right. I'm sorry.
We've been at this all week,
and we're getting nowhere.
If his wing were better, he could--
Oh ! I'll have a word with him.
Where is he ?
They didn't give me this medal
for being a Yank nanny.
A simple "I don't know"
would suffice.
Beware of that one,
young Ginger.
That Yank is not
to be trusted.
That Yank is our ticket
out of here.
And the pig says to the horse,
" Hey, fella, why the long face ?"
Oh, oh, look, look.
Oh. Cocktail !
Give over !
So, um, anyway--
Remember those flying tips tomorrow.
They're very important.
Keep thinking
those flighty thoughts.
Oh, yeah.
They're swell chicks.
They really are.
Look at what Babs made me.
A beak warmer. Isn't that the cutest ?
And that Bunty.
She really packs a punch.
Is there a problem here ?
- Have we flown over that fence ?
- Not quite.
- Then there's a problem.
- Good things come to those
who wait, doll face.
Ginger !
- Okay, how long did it take you ?
- To do what ?
To learn how to fly.
Apples and oranges, baby doll.
I'm gifted. They're not.
You can't compare
the two, okay ?
The point is,
these things take time.
Which we are rapidly
running out of.
- We haven't even lifted
off the ground. Why ?
- Thrust.
I went over my calculations,
and I figured the key element
we're missing is thrust.