- Oh, it was a beaut, guv'nor.
- Hmm ?
A fine piece of work,
if I do say so meself.
- I say so meself too.
- I wish I could have seen it.
We slipped into the farmer's room,
all quiet like.
- Like a fish.
- Yeah, and we--
" Like a fish" ?
You stupid Norbert.
Anyway, guv, here it is.
- El merchandiso.
- That's Spanish.
- What are these two crooks doing here ?
- So, you know each other.
She don't think
we're valuable.
Guys, you are
without a doubt the sneakiest,
most light-fingered
thieving parasites I've ever met.
- Oh, don't, don't. Stop it.
- I've gone bright red.
So, uh, how about them eggs ?
- Eggs ? Don't tell me
you promised them--
- Yep !
Promised them every egg
I lay this month.
And when can we expect
the first installment ?
I'm brewing one up as we speak, guys.
I'll keep you posted.
Pleasure doing business
with you, sir.
- What ?
- You've lied to them.
I didn't lie, doll face.
I just... omitted certain truths.
I'll give them exactly
what I promised.
- Which is nothing.
- Which is what I'll give them.
And what
will you give us ?
Thrust !
You okay, sweet heart ?Good, good.
Now this is just
a little helper.
Something to get you going.
It's a thrust exercise.
- The tension's killing me.
- It's gonna kill her !
- Release !
- Whoa !
Come on ! Flap !
You can do it.
Flap, flap, flap !
Yes, yes, yes !
Is that your first offense ?