Look ! I fixed it !
Huh ?
- Chicken pies ?
- Ohh !
- Oh, no !
- Yes, but--
- I don't want to be a pie.
- I don't like gravy.
Ladies, please.
Let's not lose our heads.
Lose our heads ?
What I meant to say was, Rocky sabotaged
the machine and bought us more time.
- Ooh !
- Ooh !
And better still,
he's going to fly for us tomorrow.
- And once we've seen how's it done,
we'll get it.
So don't worry,
because tomorrow everything's going
to go much, much smoother.
All right, Pops,
what did I do now ?
A very brave
and honorable deed, sir.
In the light
of your action this evening, I--
I dutifully admit that
I have misjudged your character.
So I present you with this
medal for bravery.
I salute you.
In honor
of the occasion,
I surrender the bunk
I shall sleep under the stars.
Oh, uh, I await tomorrow's
flying demonstration...
with great anticipation.
You and me both, Pops.
- Oh !
- I'm sorry. Were you--
- Is this your-- I'll get down.
- No, no, it's just--
- Since you're here--
- No, I'm glad you're here, because--
- I'm sorry. You go first.
- You go ahead. I'll--