VlANNE: Well...
Listen, l...
VlANNE: l know. l'm sorry.
l'm sorry.
Your papa used to ride this bike
every single morning.
He would have wanted you
to have it.
Just you promise me
you'll never run away again, OK?
LUC: Mama, she...
What's wrong, Luc?
Though we cannot know...
Armande Voizin 's
last thoughts...
we can hope they were
thoughts ofpenitence.
We can hope she asked God...
to forgive
the seIF-indulgence...
that aggravated her illness
and caused her death...
and we can pause
to reexamine ourown lives.
We can resist those...
who would lead us
into temptation.
PERE: Blessed is the one
who endures temptation...
for when he has stood
the test...