VlANNE: Hmm.
Betterget cleaned up.
Easter Sunday.
The sermon.
l didn't finish it.
l'll think of something.
l'm not sure what the theme
of my homily today ought to be.
PERE: Do l want to speak
ofthe miracle...
of our Lord's
divine transformation?
Not really, no.
PERE: ldon't want
to talk about His divinity.
l'd rather talk about
His humanity.
l mean, you know, how he
lived his life here on Earth.
His kindness.
His tolerance.
Listen, here's what l think.
l think we can't go around...
measuring our goodness
by what we don't do.
PERE: By what we
deny ourselves...
what we resist...
and who we exclude.
l think we've got
to measure goodness...
by what we embrace...
what we create...
and who we include.
[Pipe organ playing]
It was certainly not...
the most fiery sermon
Pere Henri would everpreach...
northe most eloquent.
But the parishioners
feIt a newsensation that day.
A lightening ofthe spirit.