That's very kind of you,
but actually we don't attend.
VlANNE: We 're glad to be
so near the church, though.
We'll enjoy
singing with the bells.
The bells are not intended
as an entertainment, Madame.
They are a solemn call
to worship for--
VlANNE: Mademoiselle.
l beg your pardon?
l've never been married...
but feel free to call me Vianne.
l hope you'll stop by when
l open for business next week.
Yes, opening a patisserie
during the holy Lenten fast.
l could imagine better timing.
Oh, but it's not going
to be a patisserie.
Then what do you intend to--
lt's a surprise.
lt was sweet of you to drop by.
The Comte de Reynaud...
was a student of history,
and therefore a patient man.
He trusted the wisdom
of generations past.
Like his ancestors, he watched
overthe little village...
and led by his own example--
hard work, modesty...
l have completed
the 18th Century.
Madame Clairmont.
Your letter to the editor,
Monsieur le Comte.
This paragraph about family
and tradition, it's...
it's beautiful.
Oh! Ha ha.
Well, thank you.
l value your opinion.
[Dog barking]
[Door closes]