made from
a 2,000-year-old recipe.
Thank you, but no. Luc.
WOMAN: What's this?
What do you see, Madame,
in this?
What does it look like to you?
Just say the first thing
that comes into your mind.
WOMAN: Um...
A woman riding a wild horse?
-Oh, silly answer.
Oh, no.
There are no silly answers.
The pepper triangle,
that's for you.
A tiny hint of chili pepper...
to play against the sweetness.
Tangy, adventurous.
What do you see?
l see teeth.
LUC: lsee blood...
and a skull.
Very dark.
VlANNE: Bitter chocolate.
That's your favorite.
CAROLlNE: Which will
have to wait five weeks more.
Lent. Thank you.
We must run along.
lt's been nice to meet you.
My pleasure.
ANOUK: Pantoufle, come on!
Pirate attack!
WOMAN: Howmuch are
those chili things, please?
VlANNE: 4.50 a box.
Could you put a ribbon on it?
WOMAN: Then lcan pretend
they are from my husband.
Of course.
[Woman laughing]
WOMAN: Josephine Muscat.
She waItzes to herown tune.
And these are for your husband--
unrefined coco nips
from Guatemala--
to awaken the passions.
You've obviously
never met my husband.