if you're expecting me...
to just shrivel up
and blow away...
you're going to be
highly disappointed.
Let me try and put this
into perspective for you.
The first Comte de Reynaud...
expelled all the radical
Huguenots from this village.
You and your truffles
present a far lesser challenge.
REYNAUD: You'llbe
out ofbusiness by Easter.
l promise you that.
Aah! Aah!
[Baby crying]
VlANNE: How long have you
been standing here?
l forgot to pay you
for something the other day.
l'm sorry.
No, it was a gift.
No. People talk.
No, people would lie about me.
l don't steal.
Not on purpose. l--
VlANNE: Yes, l know.
lt's nice to see you.
Would you like to come in
for some chocolate?
This is for you.
How sweet of you.
VlANNE: Thank you.