But his adventure
took a turn he did not expect.
One night, he was invited
to drink unrefined cacao...
with a pinch ofchili.
The very same drink
the ancientMaya...
used in theirsacred
The Maya believed
cacao held the power...
to unlock hidden yearnings...
and revealdestinies.
And so it was
that George first saw Chitza.
Now, George had been raised
a good Catholic...
but in his romance
with Chitza...
he was willing
to slightly bend the rules...
ofChristian courtship.
The tribalelders
tried to warn George about her.
She was one ofthe wanderers.
Herpeople moved
with the North Wind...
from village to village...
dispensing ancient remedies...
neversettling down.
Not a good choice fora bride.
George did not
heed their warning...
and fora while,
it seemed that he and Chitza...
might lead a happy life
togetherin France.
[Wind blowing]
Alas, the cleverNorth Wind
had otherplans.
One morning,
George awoke to discover...
that Chitza
and the little girl Vianne...
hadgone away.
Motherand daughter...
were fated to wander
from village to village...