Some greaterproblem...
needed to be identified
and solved.
Little did the comte suspect
that his greaterproblem...
would arrive
one quiet afternoon...
in the dullgreen waters
ofthe river Tannes.
[Children playing]
You're it!
You're it!
Hey, look!
BOY: l'm overhere!
VlANNE: You've neverreally
told me what the problem is...
between you and Caroline.
'Cause it's none of
your damn business.
[Armande sighs]
l'm an embarrassment to her.
l swear, l read dirty books.
l eat and drink what l like.
And sin of sins...
l refuse to go to Les Mimosas.
JOSEPHlNE: When l was a kid,
we called it Le Mortoir.
It's a nursing home forold...
lt's in Toulouse.
ARMANDE: Caroline loves
the thought ofa nurse...
with a clipboard
recording my bowel movements.
Mama, Mama, come quick!
They're here!
They've come to Lansquenet!
-Slow down, Anouk. Who's here?
Come on!
-Why can't we stay?
-Come on!
BOY: But why can't we stay?
OK, enough.
BOY: But, Mama,
just a little bit.
MAMA: Come on.
VlANNE: Hello. How are you?
Anybody got a sweet tooth?