Thanks for the apology.
The flowers are lovely.
No, please don't, Josephine.
We are still married
in the eyes of God.
Then he must be blind.
[Locks door]
JEAN-MARC: The council
has no legalauthority...
to force them to move.
The riverbank is public land.
The mayor wishes
to say a few words.
REYNAUD: lf l may...
ladies and gentlemen
of the council.
These people are
rootless, godless drifters.
MAN: That's right!
REYNAUD: Theirs is the way
MAN: Yes.
They would contaminate
the spirit of our quiet town.
The innocence ofourchildren.
Now, the chairman of the council
is quite right.
We cannot force them to leave.
MAN: Why not?
But we can help them
to understand...
that they are not welcome.
[Glass shatters]
Josephine, you think
you can just walk out on me?
SERGE: You stupid woman!
Worthless cow!
You're nothing without me.
You can't even use a skillet!
Can't even put
a goddamn mealon the table.
He's inside.
He's here. Oh, God.
lneed to talk to you.
Please open the door.
l know--
-Come help me!
SERGE: Open the door.
Open the door.
ljust want to talk to you.
Go sleep it off, Serge!
SERGE:Ah, you shut up,
you bitch!
You've caused enough
trouble already!