
We'll have two intermissions.
You can use the bathroom for peeing or crapping
during those intermissions.
To be more polite, urination and defecation.
The show... I'll do my best
till the very last minute of it.

I ask you to encourage me
can do my job well.

From the beginning to the very end.
Thank you.
Namwon town of Honam Province
was known as Dae- bang region long ago.
On the east is Chiri Mountain.
On the west is Chuksung River.

Water flowed southwards
with high mountains above.

Full of spiritual energy,
Namwon bred many pretty people.
With endless graves of loyal officials,
can unswerving loyalty not exist?
In King Sukjong's early reign,
there lived the only son of a local governor.
He was 15 years old.
Since he was handsome and righteous,
he was a great man.
On one fine day,
he called his servant Pangja...
- Hey Pangja!
- Yes master.

I've been here several months,
but I've yet to go sightseeing.
Do you know of any good places?

Why does a diligent student
like you need to know?

You're foolish.
All the greatest scholars
have visited famous sights.

So tell me now.
As you wish Master Lee.
I will tell you outline

Out the north gate, Kyoryong
Fortress is a good place.

Out the west is Sonwon Temple
and to the east is Kwan Mausoleum.

To the south is
Ojak Bridge, and Yongju Pavilion.
