And told me to repeat them to you.
What words?
She said, "the wild geese desires flowers... "
... or was it the other way.
Really? They're not insults
but a proverb with deep meaning.
Like the wild geese desire the sea
the crabs their holes, and a butterfly's flower,
"The wild geese desire the sea
the crabs desire their holes,
and a butterfly desires a flower. "
She wants me to go to her place.
Let's go.
My father granted half a day
so we've got to go back.
Studying in nature
is one of the scholar's ways,
but you're forgetting
to balance your body and mind.
Don't forget to follow the
'six exercises of a scholar,'
such as archery and horseback riding.
Don't forget to do these things.
If you get sleepy reading old classics
read this book to stay awake.
Young Lee sits at his desk
under Chunhyang's spell.
He sees the six officials and
Pangja, and it's Chunhyang.
His mother, and it's Chunhyang.
And his father, it's Chunhyang.
Shapes of the 'Gwon'... the shape of a sphere, a cube
Chunhyang's shape, my shape, the shape of lovers...
they sleep together, and make a baby's shape.
Master Lee, what kind of book is that?
- 'The Book of Changes'.
- No, it's the 'Book of Lovers'.
Is there anything about my shape too?
No. There's nothing
about lowly servants.
Bring me the
'Book of 1000 Characters. '
Why read a beginner's book
to study for your test?
The Book of 1000 Characters is the base of Korean classics
Because each character
has profound meaning.
The sky was created on the first hour.
Before four seasons existed,