Go over the uphill quickly
He finally arrives at Yusan town.
- First Deputy.
- Yes, sir.
Go to the west provinces.
Start in Yusan and Iksan.
Then Kimjae and the rest.
We'll meet at Kwangharu
on the 15th of next month.
Yes, sir.
- Second Deputy.
- Yes, sir.
Go to the east and check Kosan, Kumsan,
Muju, Yongdam, and the rest.
- Meet on the same day too.
- Yes, sir.
Heave- ho! Heave- ho!
- Hey, you dear farmers
- Yes
listen to what
Listen to what
Drop by drop
our sweat turns into fruit.
Chop by chop
our grain turns into gold.
- Come here. Eat with us.
- No thank you.
I'm just a vagabond headed to Namwon
to ask a favor from a friend.