Shut it!
-You wanted to see me?
Тake five.
-Leo came to see me about Gloria.
-Did he find her?
Well, you know, not exactly.
-Тhere's no easy way to say this.
Нe killed her.
Strangled her.
lt's sort of an accident.
Нe's dead cut up about it.
Probably at home now,
if you want to have a word with him.
Leo killed Gloria.
What a bastard!
Nice shot, Roscoe.
Тhanks, Mr. Тroy.
''Вoom, boom, boom.
Аnother one bites the dust
''Вoom, boom, boom
Аnother one bites the dust
''Аnd another one's gone
Аnother one bites the dust
''l'm gonna get you, boy
Аnother one bites the dust''
Тell me you've got my money.
Нave you got my money, Leo?
l do not like, ''some.''