-Thanks, Moose.
-Don't mention it.
I hate having to do stuff like that.
Anyway, I need you to get up there.
-Up there?
-To the casino.
I need someone I can trust to run it
till I find a replacement.
-Unless you want it permanent.
-I don't want it at all.
-I don't know how to run a casino.
-You've spent enough time in them.
I know Love Me Do,
that doesn't make me John Lennon.
Three weeks at the most.
How about tomorrow?
No, not tomorrow.
Day after tomorrow then,
whatever suits you best.
-Not going at all suits me best.
-You're all I got.
Why can't you give me a few weeks?
We're talking about my casino.
I've got commitments, you know.
Irons in the fire, so to speak.
We are family, you and me.
We do each other favours.
That's what family does.
Who sees you right when you're doing stir?
I've been inside three times, Bruno.
Each time was because of you.
You got something big on
I don't know about?
Then take one of the jets if you like.
That'll be nice.
Next week. Earliest I can go.
Weekend, so you're ensconced
for the new week.
Yeah. Lovely.
What's up?
Bruno wants me to run his casino
in Manchester.
It's kind of like asking
Hannibal Lecter to fix lunch, no?
We leave at the weekend.
That gives us five days.