I remember the first time
my mother played me "Bridge Over Troubled Water"...
by Simon and Garfunkel.
I remember exactly
what she was wearing.
I remember exactly how her hair smelled.
I remember exactly how I felt.
And every time
I hear that song,
I remember exactly
what she was wearing...
and exactly
how her hair smelled...
and exactly how I felt.
'Cause the great songs
last forever.
- So, what's the problem?
- Well...
now they're telling me the only
way to get my songs heard...
is to go out there
and sing 'em myself.
So we're gonna have to try fix this
little problem straight away.
Hmm. And how do you propose
we do that?
Well, is there any place
you feel comfortable singing?
- The shower.
- We'll start there.
I mean, I don't care how long
it takes, how many hours we have to spend in that shower.
- Let's get to it.
- Okay. Before we hit the showers,
maybe you could tell me
a little something about yourself.
Oh, really?
What do you wanna know?
What part of Australia
are you from?
I'm from all over.
My family moved around a lot.
So the rest of your family
doesn't live in New York?
Do you always ask
this many questions?
Do you always dodge
this many questions?
You can at least tell me
where you got all the moves you pulled on the bar tonight.
Well, if I told you,
I'd have to kill you.
- That's original.
- Oh.
The sun's coming up.
We're gonna be late.
Late? Late for what?
This is incredible.
- Look at that fish!
- Allright. Put this on. You're gonna need it.
Why? What are you
talking about?
You're gonna help me
unload the next bin.
- You're joking, right?
- No. It's not that bad, Vi.
- I do it all the time.
- Exactly how many jobs do you have?
Tuesday through Saturday,
I'm at the club.
Sunday and Monday
I park cars at the plaza.
I've been a telemarketer.
Would you like to switch to AT&T?
And for six terrifying hours
I delivered phonebooks in Queens.
Don't forget your
extensive work in fish.