/And I don't like to
hear I'm wrong when I'm right /
/And I don't like to /
/ Have the rain on my shoe //
Hi. I'm Violet Sanford.
I just recently moved to New York,
and I was wondering
ifyou would give my tape
to one ofyour artists.
Violet, that is so cute.
Now, let me tell you about me.
My name is Wendy,
and I fi rst moved to New York...
when I was 21 to be a dancer,
but I broke my big toe.
And then I got knocked up
by this actorwho dumped me
tojoin the Peace Corps.
So for the last 1 6 years
I been raisin' my daughter
all by myself.
And then two weeks ago
she tells me that she is a bisexual...
andthatshehates memore
thananyperson on thisplanet.
Now, tellmehowIcan
helpyou, please,
because I am dying
to makeyour dreams come true.
You don't take the tape
unless it comes from an agent,
but I can't get an agent
until I get published?
Ifwe were to listen to that tape,
that would giveyou grounds...
for a copyright
or plagiarism lawsuit.
It'sjust a little tape.
All I want is someone to sing my songs.
Welcome to the music business.
[Phone Ringing]
- Good evening. I.D., please.
- Hi. Uh, sure.
/ Maybe /
//Finda way tomakeit
back someday//
- What can I getyou?
- Let me askyou something.
I'm a songwriter. Is there someone
here I could talk to about my songs?
I've been a struggling
sax player for 1 2 years.
- Whatcan Igetyoufrom thebar?
- Pepsi and some crackers.
- [ People Chattering ]
- Hey. How areyou doing?
/Then I hope there's someone
out there /