Um, excuse me.
Mr. O'Donnell?
- Yes.
- Mr. O'Donnell.
My name is Violet Sanford.
I'm a songwriter.
I just wanted to give this toyou.
I know it's not the most professional
way to submit a tape.
- But this is all pretty new to me.
- It's pretty new to me too.
I just figured as the manager
ofa club like this, you must know
evety band on the East Coast.
The manager...
ofthis club.
- You guys go ahead. I'll catch up.
- Sure thing.
Mr. O'Donnell.
[ Clears Throat ]
I don't usually do this,
Um, but I-- I have
a feeling aboutyou.
- So I'm gonna takeyour tape,
and I'm gonna see what I can do.
- Thankyou.
I can't believe
how easy this was.
Neither can I.
Uh, you wanna go for
some coffee or something?
O'Donnell, who do Ilooklike?
That's Mr. O'Donnell,
but I'll let it slide
this time.
I told you to takeyour stuff
home and wash it.
cakedon the front.
Walt, I've warned you
aboutyour attitude-- You're fi red.
Oh, you better not
push me, kid.
I can fi nd a hundred other
little punks likeyou,
can burn a turkey burger.
Minimum wage punk.
Maybe we should start over. Uh...
I'm Kevin O'Donnell,
and I work the grill
here at the Fiji Mermaid Club.
I just made a complete
fool ofmyself.
I was gonna tell you.
I'm almost sure
I would have told you.
Ijust wantyou toknow
I'm notfollowingyouhome.