Just for the record,
I was only staring atyour ass
for the fi rst 1 5 minutes.
-[ManAnswering Phone]
William Morris.
- Idon'tmean tointerrupt.
- I just want to leave this--
- I'll transfer.
- William Morris. Pleasehold.
- It's a demo. I'm a songwriter.
William Morris.
I'll be right with you.
[ Phones Disconnect ]
I just want to leave this
forWhitney and Mariah.
- I'm sure they're
personalfriends ofyours.
- Look.
I'm sure it sounds great in your shower,
but karaoke ended a halfhour ago.
So ifyou'd like to get
your songs heard,
you're gonna have to take them...
to an open mic night
just like evetyone else.
[ Phones Resume Ringing ]
William Morris.
I'll transfer.
You're not getting validated.
// Caughtin amirror//
-[PoolBalls Clacking]
- / Looking through
sympathetic eyes /
- Can I helpyou?
- Um--
Yeah, hi. Uh, I'm sure all your spaces
are fi lled for tonight.
I just wanted to come down
and check out what this whole
open mic thing was about.
I can squeezeyou in in ten minutes.
A couple ofmy regulars,
they called in sick.
So, uh, I've got
some spaces to fi ll.
I need you to sign your name
in here and getyourselfready.
Bathroom's around the corner
ifyou want to throw up.
Next up we have a young lady
named Violet Sanford.
Solet'sputourhands together
forNewJersey's own VioletSanford!
Come on up, Violet.
Good! There we go.
Yeah. Whoo!
-[Woman] Yea, Violet!
-[ScatteredApplause, Whistles]