Youguys? Youguys wannasee
whatAlgave me formybirthday?
- This.
- Youlethim brandyou?
- Isn't it cute?
- Shelet themanbrandher.
Hey, check itout, ladies.
We each made 300bucks tonight.
- Mmm.
- You sureyou wanna be
goin' off to law school?
- Let's make a toast.
- Yeah.
To Zoe's last week
as a Coyote.
- Oh.
- She's gonna be
impossible to replace.
Ijust wanna tellyouboth
thatI willnever, everforgetyou.
Who's up there?
- I'm lookin' for the owner.
- Hey, come on down.
Bring a case with you.
What areyou doin' here?
- Uh, I'm gonna drop this case.
Where doyou want me to put it?
- That depends. What doya want?
Well, Iheardyoumightneed
anew, uh--
That, uh, there might be
ajob opening.
Put it right there.
Let me take a look atya.
[ Groans ]
Let me guess.
Piedmont, North Dakota.
South Amboy, NewJersey.
Same thing.
You do any drugs?
Just coffee.
That's all I can afford right now.
- Let me seeyour arms.
- Areyou kidding?
Do I look like
I'm kidding?
Ooh, where'd you get
that scar on yourwrist?
Pizza oven. It's a permanent
burn from pulling slices for fouryears.
That could be the saddest thing
I've ever heard.
- Um, what's next?
You want a urine sample?
- Ha, ha.