I.D., please.
Oh. I'm supposed to
start work here tonight.
Go ahead. Hey, you picked
a good night to start.
- It's a little slow right now,
but it should pick up.
- Okay.
//Love is likeabomb
Baby, come ongetiton//
with aradarphone//
- [ Screams ]
//Lookin'likea tramp
Likea video vamp//
//Demolition woman
Can Ibeyourman//
Is this a church meeting
or is this a bar? Make some noise!
[ Whooping, Shouting ]
- Yeah!
-// Come on//
- Want it?
-// Takeabottle//
//Break thebubble//
// Ooh, in thename oflove//
// Come on, fire me up//
- I'm sorty. Sorty!
- I don't think so.
-Just in time.
- Whereyou goin'?
- Uh, I was-- I was looking foryou.
Good. Let's go.
//Listen, redlight, yellow
light, greenlight, go//
// Crazylittle woman
in a one-manshow//
//Mirrorqueen, mannequin
rhythm oflove//
- Really loveyour top.
- Thanks.
- I got it, um, on sale--
-//Loosen up, uh, loosen up//
// Yougotta squeeze alittle
squeeze alittle
teasealittle more//
Okay. Hair.
- Let's seeyour moves.
- [ Hoots ]
That's Rachel.
Youcanlearn alotfrom her.
Shejust cut some guy's
ponytail off.