Please sit down,
We were off
for the whole day,
Everything stops when
the machine breaks,
You know that,
I--I can do my job
just fine...
if I stick
to the day shift,
This won't happen again,
Look, I daydream
too much,
I--I decided to quit,
And I guess,
then l--I forgot,
I've been ordered
to let you go, Selma,
You're not
gonna have to pay
for the machine
you broke,
I got them
to agree to that,
Uh, thanks, Norman,
This is your salary,
And you know, um...
Maybe we can find you
away from the machines
where your eyesight
wouldn't matter so much,
Not right away,
That's very kind
of you,
I better go,
I'll be okay,
I really will,
Thanks, Norman,
Thank you, Selma,
Thank you,
What is she
going to do now?
Did you ever think
about that?
Don't worry, Kathy,
I'm gonna be fine,
Has anybody
seen Jeff today?
He's usually here
early, Selma,
but not this early,