they like to keep her
between them
that basically eliminates
avenues of escape for her
we've seen them keep females
for over a month at a time
bottomhook and pointer
are vigilant
their strategy is to keep her
from mating with other males
to limit the female's
choice to themselves
we've often seen
the males use alot of
aggression to keep
the female with them.
Even so, it's likely that the
female wants to mate
with these males as well as
other males in the bay
the males are trying
to sequester
the female simply
to increase the chance
that they will be
the father of the offspring
eventually, the hungry males
must break formation to feed
pointer races
off to chase a fish
it's a risky move
because in the
confusion the female
may try to escape
one male will be close to
the female for a while
the other will be off
foraging catching fish
and then they'll switch.
And the one that was
off chasing fish
will come back and
stay close to the female
now here pointer is rushing
back towards her now
as pointer resumes
guard duty
he warns the female
with a popping sound
it means: "stay close"
for other male
alliances are prowling
the bay in search of
females to capture
and they'll kidnap
them from rivals
but not without help
connor found that
different alliances