will join forces
to kidnap females
or to defend against attacks
some of these groups
have joined together
to form a nearly
invincible super-alliance
it consists of
fourteen males
and their captive females
unique in the animal kingdom
connor calls them the
"wow crowd"
we suspect from
what we can see
the "wow crowd" seems
to dominate
interactions in this area
probably by being
in such a large group
they are able to
defeat other alliances
but we suspect that the way
they're always changing partners
is required to maintain
friendly bonds within the group
they have to
take turns cooperating
with each other
to sort of keep things
on a friendly basis
between all the alliances
maintaining relations
in such a large
group is a
delicate proposition
but the pay-off is clear
like a fierce tribe
the "wow crowd" dominates
other alliances
and can aggressively pursue
its goal of capturing females
it's easy to lose sight of the
females' role in all this
in fact, she is
the motivating force behind
much of this
machiavellian male behavior
the females of
most dolphin species
have a mating strategy
of their own
and it calls for multiple
sexual partners
so in spite of the
males' best efforts to
restrict the females' choice
it's not entirely successful
this spotted dolphin
female in the bahamas
mates with a number of
eager males
any one of these partners may end
up being the father of her calf