
that's nicky;
she will bite you

trust me
she hasn't bitten
anybody since yesterday...

if you're lucky
enough to be called out

just step out
hold the fish by the tail
not the dolphin...
place right down into
the dolphins mouths

please do not be tempted
to touch during the feeding

that's when we can
have accidents

this kind of
interaction between humans

and wild dolphins
occurs in very few places

for some, it's a
healing experience

for others a kind of mystical,
new age encounter

but to the hungry dolphins it's
mostly about getting a fish

if there's a lesson here
for the calf it's that

a dolphin must always
be inventive in finding food

for out in the wild
it's no easy task

calves are dependent on their mothers
for some three to six years

during this period
the young dolphin must learn
how to fend for itself

like humans, dolphins are not
born with the skills to survive

the learning process may start
through simple mimicry

the calf will imitate
its mother's every pose

posture and action
if she stands with her
tail in the sand

the calf will follow suit
even though it may not have
an inkling of why she's doing so
