
like sharks
killer whales don't always

finish off their prey
right away

they'll often let
the victim struggle until

it's energy is spent
or it simply bleeds to death

other members of the pod
move in on a

dall's porpoise that's
been hit

it still has some life
left and

tries to make it
to calmer inshore waters

the males- like lions tend to
leave the hunting to the females

now they join
in for the kill

soon the restless
seas are resonating

with the eerie calls
of the killers

and the chilling sounds of
teeth crushing bone

the porpoise had the
unhappy fate to be pursued

by hunters with sensory
capabilities as good as its own

for killer whales
are dolphins

they are the largest
member of the family and

the only dolphins that
habitually hunt their cousins
