the windswept shores of
patagonia in argentina
once a year
right whales migrate
to breed in the warm
shallow waters
here they are greeted
by dusky dolphins
unlike their big
lumbering cousins
duskys are small
fast, and agile
in the summer months
they leave the safety of coastal
waters to hunt miles offshore
in deep waters, locating
pursuing and catching prey
is exceptionally difficult
but duskys have developed
some extraordinary tactics
in the morning, small
search parties set out
probing with their sonar
there may be twenty to thirty
groups patrolling these waters
each pod separated
by a mile or two
the leaps give them a vantage
point for sighting prey
seabirds have gathered up ahead
a sign they've found something
this time of year southern
anchovies are here in vast numbers
for the penguins
it's a feast