I'm in Sullivan's if you wanna come
over and listen to music sometime.
I'd like that.
Skinny. Do you know where
the man they call Horse is?
Actually, he just left.
Well, I guess that
just leaves you and me.
-So you're in the business too?
-No. No.
-I'm Al. Monk's room-mate.
-Al, Monk's room-mate...
...buy Cyrus a drink.
-A friend of his is a friend of mine.
-She'll have a...
-An Old-Fashioned.
And a beer.
...what kind of name is Cyrus?
-A man's.
Can I ask you a favor, Al?
Pass this to the Ox.
He's expecting it.
-Do you go to school with us?
-I was at the MIT doing chemistry.
I'm taking a break
to explore myself.
Kinda like taking a break
to find yourself?
I'm looking to share myself.
And it looks like the
Sixties are in town.