-Have you ever been to Oceana?
It's the most amazing restaurant.
It's truly religious.
-Sleeping, beer, wine, cheese.
Cigarettes, fashion magazines...
TV, chocolate...
-You're single though, right?
-It's supposed to be about you, not me.
-It's been about you a little bit.
Who was your first kiss?
-I don't know her name.
I was twelve.
I'd just finished at the dentist,
who had Novocained my whole mouth.
My mom was supposed to pick me up.
And this lady comes out of this shop.
And she dropped something
out of her pocket. A ring.
I picked it up.
I tried to call out to her...
but my mouth wasn't opening
too much and it was all slurred.
She smiled.
So finally...
I gave it to her.
And then she kissed me.
A real kiss.
And even though I couldn't feel
anything, I got excited.
-Such a weird story.
-It was weird.
But then I felt powerful,
like I could kiss anybody.
How about you?
-I was eleven. My gym partner.
-You kiss like a fish.
He was a jerk.
-Some people like that kind of thing.
-Not when you're eleven and a half.
What kind of girls did you
date in high school?
First there was Megan Brokski,
a tenth-grade cheerleader.
Go, Al!
My cute little beau!
Take me out
for a good time, yo!